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Diny Romano,
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a way to give back

Skin and banner by Gabby! Raw image from kseoul. Date header inspired by swsfen! Inspiration from image and mymostloved (Denise!)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010 @ 1:19 AM

I have to mention something that I've just realize although it has been obviously stated .
One mistake you take when its about BGR , never fall so deep into it. Mistake when its about friends , you take the wrong turn and your on your own. To get to know something you have to put on a pokerface. To have a great time in school you have to keep coming and interacting. To be a friend , you don't back-stab. Be as evil as you can , then be nice all that time. Your either noisy, innocent,crazy or a silent killer. You can create havoc , peace , riot & other stuff by just one word. Never be too honest .Never trust anyone until you know them well. Act as if you care to those whom doesn't care. Never believe in rumors . Don't judge a book by its cover. Never call them as 'friends' if you know they'd change to worse.

I WANT TO EAT CHICKEN MACNUGGET ! Its been years since I've ate them.

I don't seem to care of what you may think . Me ? Bitch ? ^^ You ought to be kidding me. I'd rather be called a childlish and lame girl than a bitch. Its the fact. Let me tell you the properties of bitches in my opinion.
  1. Texting other girls boyfriend
  2. " I am so gorgeous" attitude
  3. Can't differentiate reality and fantasy
  4. Being crazy for one and end up with another
  5. Gets angry when others are trying to be honest
  6. Showing attitude
Bitches are bitches. I can't change them . Who am I right ? ^^ Whoever have this property don't start claiming that I am talking about you. Its just that I'd like to share with others my point of view.